Sunday, June 10, 2007

RE: Message to the University of New Hampshire Police Dept....

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Pamela's Protest
Date: Jun 9, 2007 2:58 AM

Message to the University of New Hampshire Police Dept....

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Leo/FightNWO-Resisting World Government
Date: Jun 8, 2007 11:55 PM

very interesting....
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------


Date: Jun 8, 2007 8:25 PM

It would be in everybody's best interest to note that the murder of Ed and Elaine Brown by the Commercial Corporation of the New Hampshire State Police Department would be a major media blunder and will not go unprosecuted in the civil venue for wrongful death.

You guys should let the State's Attorney General and State Patrol know that they are being very closely watched by every political action and medial group in America and nobody is falling for their commercial fraud. Modern communication is very swift and we have contact with every radio and TV station in the country.

Murder by corporation employees is commercial fraud.

Murder by corporation employees is commercial fraud.

Murder by corporation employees is commercial fraud.

No corporation or corporation employee has the power or authority to even entice a American civilian into handcuffs much less lay siege to thier castle.

The truth of the people's power is in the hands of the masses and you cannot run from our ever watchful eyes and communications.

Humans are not under the laws of commerce and that's where the line stands. Ed and Elaine Brown are not commercial enterprises under the laws of commerce.

Ed and Elaine Brown are State-born human American civilians that have cliam to and invoke every agent's oath to uphold the Constitution.

Any attack on these Sovereigns is commercial fraud by a commercial corporation and treason against the American union of States and the people of the 50 States.

If you care about your country, if you care about your fellow patrolmen, If you care about your fellow Americans you will inform the New Hampshire Attorney General and the NH State Patrol that the masses have found out how to deplete thier treasuries with the laws of commerce and will bill them under the laws of commerce for everything in thier treasuries including thier shoelaces for wrongful death in the civil venues.

That goes for your dept. too.

Murder by commercial employees of a commercial corporation while on the clock is prosecutable as commercial fraud for wrongful death in a civil court and is still murder, so pray for and ask the State Patrol to stand down.

Best regards,

Media Man -A real Sovereign American(not a U.S. citizen/slave)
Sovereign Civilian Police Observation Task Force
The eyes of America are watching you!




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