Monday, April 23, 2007

What beats faking a moon landing, how 'bout the Rapture


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RE: NASA-BLUE BEAM PROJECT (Holographic GOD) Rapture begins

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Save Our Troops, WE Won't Forget 911 !
Date: Apr 23, 2007 1:02 PM

You should know what NASA is planning...BLUE BEAM PROJECT

Very interesting..


Truth Seeker

You should know what NASA is planning...BLUE BEAM PROJECT
Lisa Cash


Blue Beam Project
A Simulated "Second Coming" and the Reemergence of New "MONTAUK" Type Projects


What is the Blue Beam Project?
by David Openheimer

It involves two things. A technologically simulated "second coming" and the reemmrgence of new "MONTAUK" type projects that have the ability to take up a whole bunch of people as in a "rapture" type of situation and whisk the whole bunch into never-never land. Ironically, portions of the holographic projections have the potential for changing the planet into oneness with God. Unfortunately, this operates on the premise that Man shall somehow become God in human form and control other Men and dictate all actions and thoughts. The calculated resistance to the new religion, the New World Order and the new "Messiah" will entail human loss on a massive scale in the ensuing "holy wars".The "BLUE BEAM PROJECT" will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old; as major an event as that which took place 2000 years ago. In principle, it will make use of the sky as a holographic projection screen for space-based laser-generating satellites (star wars). These projectors will project simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet, in every language by region. It deals with the religious aspect of the NEW WORLD ORDER.

The "system" has already been tested. Holographic projections of the "CHRIST IMAGE" have already been seen in some remote desert areas. These have only been reported in tabloid papers, so they are instantly rendered moot. They can also project images of alien craft, aliens, monsters, angels - you name it. Computers will coordinate the satellites and software will run the show-and-tell.

Hollography is based on very nearly identical signals combining to produce and image, or hologram, with depth perception. This is equally applicable to acoustic (ELF,VLF,LF) waves as it is to optical phenomena.

Specifically, the "show" will consist of laser projections of multiple holographic images to different parts of the planet, each receiving different images according to the predominating regional religious faith. Not a single area will be excluded. With computer animation and sound effects appearing to come from the depths of space, astonished followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned Messiah in spectacularly convincing lifelike realness.

The various images of Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, etc., will merge into ONE after "correct explanation" of the mysteries, prophecies and revelations are disclosed. This "ONE GOD" will in fact function as the "Anti-Christ", who will "explain" that the various scriptures "have been misunderstood"- that the religious of old are responsible for turning brother against brother, nation against nation - that the religions of the world must be abolished to make way for the GOLDEN AGE (NEW AGE) of the One World Religion, representing the One God they see before them.

Naturally, this superbly staged, full-scale production will result in social and religious disorder on a massive scale. Wonder what the television transmitters of religious networks will be doing on that day ?

But before all this, they have to go through four different steps in order to get to Project Blue Beam.

1: The first step concerns the breakdown of all archaological knowledge. It deals with staging earthquakes at certain precise locations around the planet where supposed new "discoveries" will finally explain (for them) that the meanings of the basic doctrines of all the world`s major religions are "wrong." This falsification will be used to make the population believe that all religious doctrine has been misunderstood and misinterpreted. The falsification started with the film 2001: A Space Odessy, the TV-series STAR TREK, the STAR WARS films, E.T., all of which deal with space "invasion" and "protection". JURASSIC PARK, was to push the theory of evolution.

2: The second step deals with the gigantic space show: 3D optical holograms and sounds, laser projections of multiple holographic images in different parts of the world, each receiving a different image, according to its predetermined original national religious faith. This new "god" image will talk in all languages. As an exemple, the Soviets have manufactured the advanced computers and have programmed them with the minute psychological particles based upon their studies of the anatomy and biology of the human body, as well as their studies on the anatomy, chemistry and electricity of the humain brain. These computers have also been fed with the different languages of the world.

3: The third step deals with telepathic electronic two-way communication, where ELF(Extra Low Frequency), VLF (Very Low Frequency), and LF (Low Frequency) waves will reach the people of the earth through the insides of their brains, making each person believe that his own God is speaking to him from within his owm soul. Such rays, from satellite, are fed from the memory of computers that store much data about the human being and his languages. These rays will then interlace and interweave with the natural thinking processes to form what we call the ARTIFICIAL TALK.

4: The fourth step involves universal supernatural manifestations using electronic means. This step contains three different orientations: The first one is to make mankind believe that an alien invasion is about to occur upon every major city on the earth. This is to push each major nation into using its nuclear capability to strike back. In this manner, it would put each of these nations in a state of full disarmament before the United Nations after the false attack. The second is to make the "christian" believe that a major rapture is occurring, with a simple "played" divine imtervention of an alleged "good" alien force coming to save the good people from a brutal satanic attack. Its goal is to get rid of all significant opposition to the NEW WORLD ORDER. The third orientation is a mixture of electronic and supernatural forces. The waves (frequencies) used at that time will allow supernatural forces to travel through fiber optics cable, coaxial cable,electric and telephone lines in order to penetrate all electronic equipment and appliances that will by then all have a special microship installed. The goal of this step deals with the materialization of satanic ghosts, spectres, and poltergeists all across the globe in order to push all populations to the edge of a wave of suicide, killing and permanent psychological disorder. After that night of the THOUSAND STARS, HUMANITY IS BELIEVED TO BE READY FOR THEM TO ENTER IN A "NEW MESSIAH" TO REESTABLISH PEACE EVERYWHERE AT ANY COST, EVEN AT THE COST OF FREEDOM.

Toll Road and a Pay Toilet (labotomized labrats)

frEinLy Fier ll9 reLAvTicN (eMenY TeRriBaList)

FREE FALL (system's down)

Thank you:

If there is even a remote possibility that this scenario can be true wouldnt you fight against it? Let's just say you could possibly be reincarnated back into this earth. Even if there is a 1% chance that this could happen wouldnt you fight back against what is going to happen in the near future in the scenario that I give you below.
Ok here we go. The secret plan of the illuminati would to:

1. Control all people with divide and conquer scenario with war and famine.
2. Add tagging devices to all people RFID Chips to the forehead or to the hand so that they are more controlled like cattle.
3. Add robots for labor then kill off more people.
4. Kill more people off of the world and enslave the rest to do have sex with you or do work for you.
5. Cloning using genetics and science so that you could live forever and everyone else will have to be reincarnated into the slave society.
The illuminati have already made these plans to just this, if this is a remote possibility that this scenario could happen, Wouldnt you fight against this with every tooth and nail. Wouldnt you fight the real freedom of your life. Even if its just a remote possibility. Even if there is a 1% chance that this could happen?!

The Masonic Version of History and the Ultimate Deception
- by Wes Penre, June 30, 2004
(Posted here: June 30, 2004)

Now comes the touchy part: religion! What about religion? What about the Bible? At least we have the Bible to fall back on, the Word of God, don’t we?

Or do we really? Let us think about it for a while. The rest of this article is pure speculation, but needs to be discussed, because there are indications pointing in this direction. If the Bible (and other Holy Scriptures from other religions as well) is just a blueprint for the Illuminati Agenda, how would that fit into the picture?

Right here many readers will probably start getting upset and think I have gone too far, but at least give it a chance and ponder it. I am not saying that what I suggest is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but let us consider the idea for a while. The Christian society for example, considers the Bible being the Words of God and takes it literally. But if we look at it and dig a little deeper, we notice that the New Testament for one thing, is not unique. It seems like most cultures have a similar story to tell: how a savior was born from a virgin, later killed, arisen from the dead with a promise to return in the future (second coming). It repeats itself similarly all the way back to the story of Osiris, Isis and Horus – sounds more like occult symbolism instead of actual events. Also, we know for certain that the Bible has been severely tampered with. The King James Version (KJV) for example, was revised, and the revision was supervised by Francis Bacon among others, Bacon who was a high initiate in several secret societies, and a Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Order (another occult society). King James himself was a prominent Freemason (see specifically at the bottom of the page, underlined). Christians dispute this whole-heartedly, but the evidence speaks for itself, in this case the source comes from the Freemasons themselves.

And what about the Book of Revelations? I don’t know how many Christians have sent emails to me and praised my website, Illuminati News, but almost always point out that there is nothing we can do about this, because it is written in the Bible that this will happen. Anti-Christ will rule for a short time before the Second Coming of Christ, and there will be rapture for the believers. There is no reason to intervene; things will sort themselves out as a part of Gods Great Plan, and the War is already won, because God has already defeated Satan. Unfortunately many people will suffer and die before peace comes, but this is inevitable. So the story goes.

What about if this is the ultimate deception? What about if the Bible is a symbolic, Illuminati blueprint, given to the people as a Holy Scripture, to follow literally? If this is true, what would the consequences be?

The consequences would be that the religious people of the world (quite a big percentage) would fail to intervene, even if they saw the New World Order coming and understood the meaning of it. Religious wars would break out due to contradictions between religions and scriptures, and lots of people would die. Illuminati priests would lead the sheeple in the direction their man-made God(s) guide(s) them; toward death, fanatic sacrifice, and genocide. An “Anti-Christ” (a One World Dictator) would eventually be sat on the World Throne to rule, and still only a few people would intervene, because according to the scriptures the Anti-Christ will only rule for a short time before the Kingdom of Jesus will be a reality – 1,000 years of peace(1), and it is just a matter of waiting it out. Isn’t this what is actually happening, about to happen, and has been happening throughout history? Doesn’t this fit extremely well into the Illuminati Agenda, where religion keeps us in check and becomes a brilliant tool for keeping the population down for easier control, no matter WHICH religion you belong to, as they are all man-made?

Now, regarding Christianity. What about if this is what they WANT us to believe: the Anti-Christ will rise momentarily but will be defeated, followed by 1,000 years of peace? How about if there will be no rapture and the World Dictator will be sat on the throne to rule over a United World without borders, in an ultimate dictatorship? When Christians and others realize they have been deceived, it is too late. The Illuminati have already taken over.

Here many Christians would object and say that the Illuminati hate Christians and their goal is to destroy the Christian religion and kill all Christians. True, but don’t they have to? If they invented the religion in the first place, a part of the propaganda would be just that – to hate Christians. This makes the whole scenario look more real. I don’t believe that the Illuminati hate Christians more than they hate everybody else.

The Bible warns us about ‘False Prophets’ in the End Times. To Christians I would probably be one of them. However, still considering the Bible being an Illuminati blueprint and a symbolic writing, wouldn’t that be a good thing for the Illuminati to warn believers about: people like me who’s only purpose is to try and expose the Enemy and find some truth, to be considered a ‘False Prophet’ so that hopefully no one will listen? Keeps the people under continuous control, doesn’t it? Or rather, they have US control EACH OTHER, so THEY don’t even have to bother with it that much; like puppets we follow their instructions exactly per the book. In the meantime the Illuminati in their arrogance, without any significant resistance, can continue their ‘Great Work of the Ages’, free from any serious interruptions and distractions.

Personally, I believe there is a God, or a creative, collective force we may call God, above all this mess. However, I don’t think we can find "Him" in any of the Earthly religions, but rather on individuals journeys inside ourselves..


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