Monday, April 30, 2007

RE: We must speak out to take back our country.

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: bushsux
Date: Apr 29, 2007 9:39 PM

Let Your Voice Ring Out!
Openly Oppose Bush - Do Your Part!
Proceeds Support Anti-Bush Activism.
Order by Phone: Call toll-free in US 1-877-809-1659.

We oppose Bush and Cheney because we support America as it was and as it should be. Bush and his administration attack the Constitutional fabric of the United States in the name of security. This threatens our freedom. Fight back! Wear and show these messages.

Help free our nation from the Bush Occupation. The alternative means suffering a slow silent death of the heart. Let Your Voice Ring Out! Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve! Buy and show these shirts, mouse pads, stickers, caps, cards, cups, etc. Display these important messages.

Can't Wait Til 1-20-09
Can't Wait Til 1-20-09
Look forward to the end of the Bush/Cheney regime. Tell the world you can't wait until 1-20-09

Don't Blame Me
Don't Blame Me
Al Gore really won in Florida and won the election. Many of us knew enough to vote for him, not Bush. Tell the world you knew back in 2000.

New Management
New Management
Celebrate our victory! Congress is now under new management. Democrats are taking charge to clean up the right wing mess.

Bill Clinton: A REAL President
Bill Clinton: A REAL President
Peace. Prosperity. Jobs. Care for regular people. Remind the world what a REAL President looks like.

Dogging Bush
Dogging Bush
Bush has been dogging America and the Planet. Show that what goes around comes around with this hilarious editorial by man's best friend.

Cindy Says
Cindy Says
Bush is lying and troops are dying. Cindy Sheehan says "George, Stop Lying!"

No More Blood For Oil
No More Blood For Oil
Top Bush Officials, documents, and Cheney's secret meetings reveal the truth about this war for oil.

Impeach Bush! 3 Designs
Impeach Bush! 3 Designs
Who cares if there's no time to do the paper work? Impeach also means question integrity.

Republican "Values?"
What Republican "values?" They lie, cheat, steal and now we find they molest kids and conspire to cover up these crimes!

Where's bin Laden?
Bush actually says he's "not that concerned" about bin Laden. So much for protecting Americans!

After Downing Street
After Downing Street
Know the truth. The Downing Street Minutes expose what went on behind the scenes before the war.

Dean Democrats
Dean Democrats
The Dean wing of the Democratic Party. We're carrying on Howard Dean's fight!

bush helps our enemies
"Bush Helps Our Enemies"
Bush admitted he's Helping our Enemies Hurt America. Tell the world about it.

Tell the world what you think about Dumbya Bush. Is he really stupid or does he think we are? Maybe it's both.

Convict Bush Cheney
Convict Bush Cheney
Convict Bush and Cheney. Because impeachment isn't enough.
Bush is Going to Hell
Bush is Going to Hell
George W. Bush says we're going to hell if we don't worship exactly as he says we should. We think he better read that Bible he's thumping.

Bulk Buttons and Magnets
Bulk Buttons and Magnets
Dozens of great designs in lots of 10 or 100 for fundraising, protests and more. Proceeds support progressive activism.

Opinionated Women for Kerry
Opinionated Women for Kerry
Women have the right to speak out without people judging them. Support equality and the Kerrys.

End Bush's Iraq War
End Bush's Iraq War
Bush rushed to war without reason, planning, and based on lies. He's lying and our troops are dying.

Bush vs. Reality
Bush vs. Reality
Bush says the economy is great, Iraq is great, everything is great. He's delusional. Time to send him home.

Turn Up The Heat - Fahrenheit 911
Turn Up The Heat - Fahrenheit 911
Michael Moore's movie tells the awful truth about Bush. Tell Americans to watch this movie.

Fool at the Wheel
Fool at the Wheel
Song, Shirts, Buttons, Stickers tell the truth: We Got a Fool at the Wheel!

Diebold Machines Kill Votes
Diebold Machines Kill Votes
Unaccountable e-voting lets right wing Republican companies steal our elections.

Blowjobs or No Jobs
Blowjobs or No Jobs
Bush administration voodoo economics intentionally killed millions of jobs.

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Bush Flips Off the World
Bush is arrogant and ignorant - a most dangerous combination. Time for him to go back to Texas.

Bush Sucks
Bush Sucks
There's no better way to put it. Bush just plain sucks.

Bush is Bad for America
Bush is Bad for America
Bush had his chance. He misled, mismanaged, and messed up. It's time for Bush to go.

bush reminds us of someone
"Bush Reminds Us of Someone"
We don't even have to name any names. People know just who we're talking about.

Bush or Saddam?
Bush is too much like Saddam. The wars, lies, even torture. It's getting harder to tell them apart.

Bush swore to serve in the National Guard, but he went AWOL. Time to send Bush back to Texas.

Bad Bush!
Bad Bush!
Boiled down to the simplest terms, Bush is just plain BAD!

Wave Bye to Bush
Wave Bye to Bush
Bush wrecked America. Time to send him back to Texas.

Love America Defeat Bush
Love America Defeat Bush
You can either support America OR support Bush. You cannot do both. Love America. Defeat Bush.

Greens Against Bush
Greens Against Bush
Greens decided to beat Bush and build their party at the same time. Support the Green Party's efforts to beat Bush!

Save the Environment
Save the Environment
Bush's policies attack the planet. Plant Bush in Texas before nothing will grow.

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Bush You're Fired!
Bush's Failed Policies cost millions of Americans their jobs. It's time to say, Bush You're Fired!

Reagan is Overrated
Reagan is Overrated
It's sad when someone dies but this is Reagan who nearly caused WW III and bankrupted the USA.
Under the Bush Occupation, we're slipping into dark despotism. We support our republic and oppose the limitless federal power Bush and his regime arrogate to themselves. We believe in the rule of law and the US Constitution. America cannot afford any more failure and misleadership. We demand a return to political sanity and the honorable American traditions of accountability, dignity and honesty.The Bush Occupation's gross misconduct and bald-faced lies keep damaging our national credibility and offending our conscience. They insult our allies and squander international good will needed to keep us safe against terrorist attacks. Bush's thugs undermine our security by abusing the trust the American people and the rest of the world placed in them after 9/11.In countless ways, Bush and his administration made us less safe, less healthy, and less prosperous. Bush's economic, education, environmental, health and other policies have been as disastrous as his failed foreign policies. The Cheney/Bush junta must end, but we must act to make sure it does. Activism means speaking out, being seen, and making a difference. You must speak out for us to take back our country.

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