Saturday, April 28, 2007

RE: Dennis Kucinich: Supports U.N. Charter-Not US Constitution

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Leo/FightNWO-Resisting World Government
Date: Apr 28, 2007 3:19 PM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
Date: Apr 28, 2007 12:12 PM

April 28, 2007

Kucinich sticks his foot in his mouth once again. Last week, he stated in Congress (while introducing H.R. 808his intention to bring forth legislation that would ban the ownership of handguns.) Now this week....

This is a video of the 04-27-2007 airing of HBO's "Real-Time with Bill Maher" where Democratic Presidential Candidate, Dennis Kucinich sat down with Bill for about a 10 minute interview (starts at about 5:40.)
It's an eye-opening interview that should rasie a number of red-flags for those out there who still believe in things such as National Sovereignty and the united States Constitution.

Now, I don't want to seem to be the type who will knock a political candidate for office just because I may not agree with their "platform." But Mr. Kucinich has said and done some things that to me, seem a bit off for someone who is supposed to be one of the more honest and as yet uncorrupted politicians.

Anyway, take a look at the interview, and read what follows:

So the first real topic broght up on Mr. Kucinich's platform is what's called (being sold as) "Universal Healthcare." STOP. RED LIGHT SHOULD BE FLASHING. This is basically a plank of the Communist Manifesto, and part of the 45 Goals of Communism of 1958. (

In fact, by delving into the issue of wars, and how they can be solved, we begin just to find out where the Ohio Congessman loyalties lie. Certainly not to the united States Constitution, but to something that is completely unconstitutional, and therefore void by the Constitution: the United Nations Charter.

Examine these quotes:
"Reconnecting with the world community (sound like every other globalist?) STOP. RED LIGHT; The U.N. Charter says... STOP. RED LIGHT; ...if you want to seriously address the problems that exist with the insecurities in the world, you have to do it through uniting the nations of the world. And you know, we already have an organization (extremely criminal by the way)called, the United Nations. STOP. RED LIGHT; ...ought to look at ways of emphazizing human unity" STOP. RED LIGHT. (Humanism, another U.N. funded movement.)

Then Bill tries to get him to agree that the U.N. is "flawed" ...."(this I suppose is Bill's way of playing ball with the U.N. by not outright chastizing them for the scum-sucking criminal trash that they really are) and his retort is a blanket cover-answer: "Well, the United States never paid it's dues.." which made it harder for the U.N to establish any illegal and unlawful foothold over our government structure.

"I see the world as inter-connected and inter-dependent.... I see the world as one." (Sure, it is, but it still sounds like the talk of every other globalist one-worlder out there.) "As President, I'll bring a vision of a world that can actually co-exist peacefully. And then act on that vision to create structures like...[H]aving the United States participate in the International Criminal Courts.... have an enforceable structure of international law." STOP. HUGE RED LIGHT!!!

united States Constitution; Article VI, Clause 2:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any state to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Article 6 of the Constitution stipulates that the Constitution is the "supreme Law of the Land". This provision is construed to mean that when state constitutions, state laws or federal laws are found to conflict with the Constitution, they have no force or effect. The Constitution stands above all other laws, executive acts and regulations, including treaties. In their capacity as law of the United States, the rules of international law and the provisions of international agreements to which the United States is party are subject to the Bill of Rights and other prohibitions, restrictions, and requirements of the Constitution. Thus, international law may not violate the body of rules based on the constitution without the relevant rules being repealed.

Anyone who knows the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights should know that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. International laws, and international courts do not apply, no matter what they claim. The same goes for the Supreme Court. It is the ruling court of the land, not bound by international law or jurisdiction.

So, I just wanted to point out some of these "anomalies" in Mr. Kucinich's platform. It's probably way too early for me to make an observation/hypothesis about it, but it seems for the time-being that Mr. Kucinich is trying to get a lot of feathers riled up by supporting things that oppose all concepts of National Sovereignty, a Constitutional Representative Republic, and the Constitution itself.

Another thing: "The level of violence in our society constitutes a national emergency. I am offering the following approach to change America's direction, away from death and disintegration and towards life and social cohesiveness. First, passage of legislation to create a Cabinet level Department of Peace and Nonviolence, H.R. 808 ; second, passage of H.R. 676 to create Medicare for all, not-for-profit health care system focusing on mental health care issues; and, third, a ban on handguns, legislation which I am currently drafting." (Mr. Kucinich speaking before congress last week.

Cabinet level Department of Peace and Nonviolence: Doesn't this sould like another name for Orwell's Ministry of Peace?

Anyway, just thought I would share this with everyone.

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